

(Redirected from 1903)

7 January. First Harbour Trust for Fremantle appointed: Robert Laurie, MLC (chair); AG Leeds, C Hudson, A Sandover and T Coombe, with FWB Stevens as secretary: he had been associated with the harbour scheme as secretary to CY O' Connor. Stevens wrote the section of Hitchcock's 1929 History on the Port.

April 1903. Japanese cruiser Itsukushima visits Fremantle.


FHC photo#493D. A 'protected' (as distinct from armoured) cruiser, built by La Seyne, France in 1891 for the emergent Japanese Navy, which at the time lacked the confidence to build and man battleships. This remarkable makeshift, one of a class of three, was designed to combat Chinese battleships. Tonnage 4217; crew 360. It was a poor sea boat which could not maintain the designed 15.7 knots. Worse still, at the battle of Yalie (Russo-Japanese War) 23.06.1904, the big gun achieved a firing rate of once every five minutes. The Itsukushima was paid off in 1922. Source: Mr S. Jones [FHC caption]

The West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954) Friday 24 April 1903 p 5 Article
The Japanese Warships
Function at Fremantle Town Hall

At half-past 9 o'clock yesterday morning His Excellency Rear Admiral Kamimura formally returned the visit of  the Mayor of Fremantle (Mr T. Smith) at the local Town Hall. The Admiral was accompanied by a number of his officers; and among those also present were: Messrs. F McDonald, A.J.Diamond, and J. J, Higham, M’s.L.A.

The Mayor proposed "The King and the Mikado," and in doing so, said he was especially pleased to welcome the representatives of an ally of Great Britain. Japan was a power to be reckoned with, and he hoped the alliance would long endure and would be to the advantage of both counties. He would like to see Japanese warships in Australian waters more frequently, and be was sure they would always receive a proper welcome.

Rear-Admiral Kamimura, through his private secretary, thanked the Mayor for the courtesy that had been shown to them. He and his staff were very glad to be in Fremantle and during the ten days they would be in port they anticipated having an enjoyable time. He hoped Japan and Australia would become very intimate.  In conclusion, His Excellency wished the Mayor and the town of Fremantle all prosperity.


This page incorporates material from Garry Gillard's Freotopia website, that he started in 2014 and the contents of which he donated to Wikimedia Australia in 2024. The content was originally created on 11 August, 2015 and hosted at (it was last updated on 19 December, 2018). The donated data is also preserved in the Internet Archive's collection.