


Freotopia > buildings >

29 Bellevue Terrace, Fremantle (2011)

Bellevue Terrace is quite posh at the top end, as its name suggests, but down here in the valley it's humble workers' dwellings. Looking south to the left of the front door, perfunctory wire fencing to the street and a galvo fence with an unpaved driveway beyond it.

This is a semi-detached cottage with a brick wall between the two porches. The alcove to the right of the door seems to lack some sculptural element.

The main rooms are of stone. The front window has brick quoins. The end of the verandah, beneath the bullnosed roof, is jerry-built of galvo and fibro.

The kitchen, the fourth room from the front (preceded by two bedrooms and a sitting-room) still has its Early Kooka gas stove (complete with unfixable leaks). Metters introduced this stove in 1937. The house is much older, so there would originally have been a woodstove in the alcove.

Shelving is home-made.

The kitchen window, in the back wall of the house, looks like the original sash window.

The kitchen sink is not built into a cabinet, but supported by a post. The wall in the corridor behind (which is the dividing wall between the semis) can be seen to be of brick.

On the other side of the wall with the kitchen sink, there is enough space inside the backdoor for a utility cupboard.

The bathroom is separate from the house, down several steps from the backdoor. The dividing wall between the properties has now degenerated into galvo and whatever.

The bathroom basin, like the kitchen sink, is not built into a cabinet, but merely fixed to the wall. More home-made shelving.

File:Freotopia buildings 29bellevue RIMG0012.jpg

Looking back up at the backdoor: it's in a galvo wall for some reason, tho the wall of the kitchen to the right is masonry. Electrical wiring is randomly in evidence.

The back wall of the house, showing the sash window and the steel roofing over the area between house and outbuildings.

The (southern) outside wall of the bathroom, with the picturesque but unsheltered path leading to the washhouse and, finally, toilet, in the furthest part of the ruinous outbuilding.

Concrete tubs in the washhouse.

Workbench between the laundry and toilet, including an ancient vice ('vise' in North America) with what appears to be electric wiring in front of it.

And, finally, the toilet.


This page incorporates material from Garry Gillard's Freotopia website, that he started in 2014 and the contents of which he donated to Wikimedia Australia in 2024. The content was originally created on 10 November, 2011 and hosted at (it was last updated on 18 March, 2024). The donated data is also preserved in the Internet Archive's collection.