


Freotopia > buildings >

commercial building

31 Pakenham Street—looks to be of a similar vintage to that of the Republic of Fremantle at no. 3 (1931), or perhaps the John Church Bulk Stores, at no. 21 (1900)
Apparently a warehouse and offices.
A small sign fixed to the front of the building reads:
Fremantle Business Office
Iannello Investments
Stella industrial
SI construction and engineering


Heritage Council:
A long narrow building on this site on an 1898 map has been replaced by 1913 by a more substantial rectangular building, which appears closer to the footprint of the extant building. Rate books from 1900 show the owner as W.D. Moore, which from 1905-06 changes to George Frederick Moore, and the occupant remains W.D. Moore and Co. A warehouse is listed from at least 1900, along with sheds and cottages. From 1901 it is noted that former cottages are also used as warehouse space. The cottages cease to be listed between 1906 and 1910, suggesting this is when the site was cleared and a new, larger warehouse constructed. W.D. Moore & Co. continued to own and occupy the place until the late 1930s. In 1939 the occupant is noted as Dalgety & Co. By the mid-1940s the occupant is Donald John McKenzie. However, Moores continues to own the place.
In 1974 the place was purchased by R.C. Sadlier Pty Ltd. It was auctioned by Sadliers in 1986.
Currently (2002), residential use.
Physical Description
[This description clearly does not apply to 31 Pakenham Street, which is not on a corner, and not near Market Street. It suggests that the 'History' above may also not apply to 31 Pakenham Street. The description below seems to refer to the Gino's building, which has a stucco figurehead on the corner pediment.]
Single storey rendered and truncated corner building (wraps the corner, into Market Street), has a zero setback from the pavement at the South Terrace side and a further setback at the corner; where there is al fresco dining under a covered area. The parapet has balustrades with piers and decorative pinnacles, there are three pediments; below the corner pediment is a stucco figure head and swag. The corrugated iron veranda awning is probably not original; there are two recessed entrances. Façade only intact.

References and Links

Heritage Council.


This page incorporates material from Garry Gillard's Freotopia website, that he started in 2014 and the contents of which he donated to Wikimedia Australia in 2024. The content was originally created on 6 December, 2021 and hosted at (it was last updated on 18 March, 2024). The donated data is also preserved in the Internet Archive's collection.