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The house on the top of the hill at 24 Preston Point Rd East Fremantle was built for Daniel Mulcahy. He and his brother Michael came to WA from Tipperary during the 1890s goldrush, and owned hotels in Kalgoorlie and Boulder as well as the National, Commercial and Terminus in Fremantle, and the Royal George in East Fremantle. Image from Google.

National Trust:
A large residence set on high ground overlooking the harbour. The building is constructed of rendered masonry. The original corrugated galvanised iron roof has now been replaced with modern profile aluminium tiling. The house has prominent chimneys, a lookout tower and timber verandahs with a projecting portico over the central front steps. The original high, stone street wall is surmounted with wrought iron railings and gates.
The house was built by Daniel Mulcahy for his bride in 1895 and remained in the family up until at least 1979. Daniel and his brother Michael came to Australia from Tipperary, Ireland, sometime in the 1870s. National Trust.

Heritage Council:
Knocknagow is a single storey rendered masonry construction and Zincalume custom orb roofed residence in the Federation Queen Anne bungalow style with a belvedere and associated single storey former stables. It is rare as one of a small number of Federation Queen Anne houses with a finely detailed tall belvedere. Heritage Council.


C. M. Nixon c. 1908 photo Fremantle Library ref. no. 1331: Built 1894. On the verandah: Elizabeth Fay; Lawrence Fay. In garden, from left: Lucy; Mrs Mary Mulcahy; Biddy (baby); Stella; Daniel Mulcahy Junior (1866-1925); Michael; Danny (near urn on left); Hughie (sitting near urn on right); Mary on step. Taken before 1908.

Heritage listing for Fremantle landmark
Tuesday, 18 July 2000
One of East Fremantle's best-known residential landmarks has been listed on the State's register of heritage places.
In announcing the listing for Knocknagow House, Heritage Minister Graham Kierath said it represented the type of structure that Fremantle should embrace as being important to retain for future generations.
"Fremantle has a rich history and Knocknagow House is a key component of that and should be preserved," Mr Kierath said.
"When you compare a building such as Knocknagow House with the silos, it quickly becomes apparent where true heritage value lies."
Knocknagow is a large home on a high position on Preston Point Road with commanding views of the Swan River and Fremantle Harbour. It is best known for its distinctive, tall belvedere tower.
Mr Kierath said the turn-of-the-century home had been placed on the Heritage Council of Western Australia's interim register of heritage places.
He said it had a colourful history that began in 1899 when it was built for Allan Murray Ayles, a former storekeeper and Fremantle Harbour Works office worker.
"East Fremantle was a highly prized location for wealthy businessmen of Fremantle around that time and featured many fine residences," the Minister said.
"Knocknagow was one of the best examples, made of brick and stone in the Federation Queen Anne bungalow style."
After Allan Ayles died intestate in 1902, the property was bought by Mary Agnes Mulcahy, who moved in with her husband Daniel and family and named the house after the novel by Tipperary writer, Charles Kirkham.
Mr Kierath said Daniel Mulcahy installed a cast iron fireplace with a mantlepiece at the house, which had been given to him by Herbert Hoover, a future President of the United States, whom he had met on the Goldfields.
"By 1984, the house was owned by the Robinson family, who made an unsuccessful application to convert it for use as a boarding house during the America's Cup campaign," the Minister said.
"In late 1990, many members of the East Fremantle community successfully opposed plans to demolish the adjacent stables."
Knocknagow was sold in 1998 to Frederick and Mary Adeane, who continue to live in the building.
Government Media Statement


This page incorporates material from Garry Gillard's Freotopia website, that he started in 2014 and the contents of which he donated to Wikimedia Australia in 2024. The content was originally created on 26 July, 2015 and hosted at (it was last updated on 31 March, 2024). The donated data is also preserved in the Internet Archive's collection.