

The Fremantle Round House

The Fremantle Round House, located in Fremantle, Western Australia, is a historic building that holds a significant place in the region's history. Here is some key information about this remarkable landmark:


The Fremantle Round House was built in 1830 and is the oldest public building in Western Australia. It was originally constructed as a gaol (jail) and later served various purposes, including a police lock-up and a residence for the chief constable.

Unique Architecture

The building gets its name from its distinctive round shape. It was designed by Henry Willey Reveley, an English architect, and engineer. The Round House has 12 sides, and its architecture is a prime example of the Georgian style. The building's round design allowed for a 360-degree view of the surrounding area, making it a perfect vantage point for early settlers to watch for incoming ships.

Time Ball

One of the most interesting features of the Round House is the Time Ball. Installed in 1900, it was used to signal the correct time to ships in the harbor. At precisely 1 pm each day, the ball would drop, enabling ship captains to synchronize their chronometers.

Visitor Experience

Today, the Fremantle Round House is a popular tourist attraction. Visitors can explore the history of the building and the area through informative displays and exhibits. Guided tours are available, providing insights into its unique history and architecture. The Round House offers stunning views of the Indian Ocean and Fremantle Harbor, making it a great spot for photos and relaxation.

For more information and visiting hours, please check the official Fremantle Round House website.

Plan your visit to this iconic piece of Western Australia's history and enjoy a step back in time at the Fremantle Round House!

© 2023 The Fremantle Round House


This page incorporates material from Garry Gillard's Freotopia website, that he started in 2014 and the contents of which he donated to Wikimedia Australia in 2024. The content was originally hosted at The donated data is also preserved in the Internet Archive's collection.