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[[../../../../index.html|Fremantle Stuff]] > Fremantle History Society > Fremantle Studies > 6 > Contributors

===== Fremantle Studies No. 6, 2010
Journal of the Fremantle History Society =====


Ari and Wendy Antonovsky

Ari and Wendy Antonovsky have been residents of an 1890s vintage house in Fremantle since the 1980s. In that time Wendy has delved into the history of the house, the street, and Fremantle generally. The Jewish history of Fremantle has been of particular interest, as it goes back to the very beginning of settlement, and the contribution of individuals is a feature of many of the institutions we see today in Fremantle. As a result of research into this history, Ari has led numerous Walking tours around Fremantle, to raise the awareness of the role that people with a Jewish background have played in Fremantle’s development.

Peter Conole

Peter Conole is a public servant who is employed as the historian of the Western Australia Police. He was born and raised in Fremantle and is a former pupil of South Terrace Primary School. He received both his tertiary degrees from the University of Western Australia. He is a committee member of the Fremantle History Society and was the Ministerial Representative of the Minister for Police on the recently finished Northbridge History Project. Peter has about 150 publications to his credit on historical subjects and public administration and policy. They include a number of specialised monographs and articles in various WA, national and international journals and periodicals. He is the author of three books, including Protect and Serve: a history of policing in Western Australia (2003).

Norman Megahey

Norman Megahey completed a PhD, A Community Apart: A History of Fremantle Prison, 1898-1991, in 2000, at Murdoch University. He had previously written an honours thesis on the social construction of insanity in colonial Western Australia. Chapters from both works were published in Studies in Western Australian History. Norman has also contributed to a book on the history of intellectual disability in Western Australia, Under Blue Skies, published by Edith Cowan University, and to the recently published Historical Encyclopedia of Western Australia.

Currently he is Principal of Treetops Montessori School in Darlington where he also teaches in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme.

Bob Reece

Bob Reece is Emeritus Professor of History at Murdoch University and a committee member of both the Fremantle History Society and the Fremantle Society. In addition to his pictorial history of Fremantle, A Place of Consequence (Fremantle Arts Centre Press, 1982) and a report to Fremantle City Council on the heritage significance of the Short Street precinct, he has given papers in recent years on Fremantle’s first historian, J.K. Hitchcock, and Fremantle’s cultural life before the gold rushes. He has also contributed to the collection Voices of Fremantle to be published shortly by WA Museum Press.

Ron Davidson

Ron Davidson was born into a newspaper family and worked as a journalist before switching to psychology. He taught psychology for 25 years at UWA. Ron has written a number of books, the first of which was published in 1987, and is best known for his Fremantle Impressions, a meander around the port city. Ron has been shortlisted for the WA Premier’s Book Awards.

Mike Lefroy

Mike Lefroy is a freelance consultant working in the area of education and interpretation in museums and heritage places. He formerly worked with the Western Australian Maritime Museum as head of education for 15 years and was heavily involved in the development of exhibitions and programs for the new maritime museum. Mike is a 5th generation Western Australian and has lived and worked in Fremantle for 35 years.

Gaye Nayton

Gaye Nayton specializes in the heritage of Western Australia’s historical period. She has 16 years experience in cultural resource management and has been involved with over 176 cultural resource management projects ranging through conservation plans, municipal heritage inventories, archaeological assessments, surveys, excavations and heritage precinct studies. She also maintains her research profile by regularly giving papers at international and national conferences and has recently authored a book on Western Australian colonisation.

She has a particular interest in involving the public with archaeology and to that end has carried out over twenty archaeological outreach programs and lectured extensively to school groups and other groups interested in heritage. The interplay of archaeology, tourism and interpretation is also a strong area of interest and research including several overseas study tours and input into tourism strategies within Western Australia.


This page incorporates material from Garry Gillard's Freotopia website, that he started in 2014 and the contents of which he donated to Wikimedia Australia in 2024. The content was originally created on 15 April, 2018 and hosted at (it was last updated on 27 November, 2022). The donated data is also preserved in the Internet Archive's collection.