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Inglewood Primary School

Inglewood Primary School is at 34 Normanby Road, Inglewood, bordering also on Crawford Road and Robinson Street.

History, from a PDF file:
The early history of the school dates back to 1914 when local families petitioned the government for a school to cater for the needs of their children in the then named North Maylands area. These early submissions were rejected because of the proximity of the Maylands and Inglewood (now Mt Lawley) primary schools.
By 1920, however, these schools had become overcrowded and from 9 September 1920, the Methodist Church Hall on the corner of York St (then Hay St) and Crawford Street was rented at a cost of 26 pounds per year as North Maylands Infant School with 8 students, which increased to 40 students by the end of that year. The present site was purchased in 1921 at a cost of 375 pounds with an agreement that the Education Department would build a school.
This school opened on 22 September 1927 as North Maylands Primary. In 1933 it became North Inglewood Primary and in 1985 Inglewood Primary School which has grown steadily since then, both in student numbers and facilities. The school crest was created in 1986. The three figures on the crest represent sporting endeavour, academic endeavour and striving to achieve. The sun behind the children signifies the starting of a new day. In 1995 the 75th anniversary of the school was celebrated.
2020 will be the centenary celebration for Inglewood Primary School.

References and Links

Inglewood Primary School website.


This page incorporates material from Garry Gillard's Freotopia website, that he started in 2014 and the contents of which he donated to Wikimedia Australia in 2024. The content was originally created on 17 March, 2022 and hosted at (it was last updated on 10 March, 2024). The donated data is also preserved in the Internet Archive's collection.