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William Nairne Clark

CLARK, William Nairne, b. 1804 (Scotland), arr. 8.5.1830 per Eliza, m. 14.1.1833 Mary Elizabeth LOCKYER. Chd. Charles b. 1834 d. 1838 of dysentery, Ann Catherine b. 1836 d. 1838 of dysentery, William Graham b. 1839. Was a lawyer & public notary from Edinburgh. In partnership with C. Spyers was granted 4600 acres in Avon (7.8.1832) & 300 at Rottnest 6.7.1831. Spyers farmed at Canning & Clark as public notary at Frem. On 16.8.1832 was involved in notorious duel with G.F. Johnson, the latter died of wound. Was proprietor of Swan River Guardian 1836-8. To KGS per Jolly Rambler: 1840-2 explored the region between KGS & Kojonup. To Perth again, but left for Tasmania 29.11.1848 per Waterlily where he is thought to have died. Wife illit.

References and links

Bray, F. I. 1930, 'New light on the Johnson-Clark duel', Early Days, vol. 1, part 8: 85-86.

de Mouncey, P. E.C. 1929, 'The historic duel at Fremantle between George French Johnson, a merchant, and William Nairne Clark, a solicitor, in the year 1832', Early Days, vol. 1, part 5: 1-15.

Ewers, John K. 1971, The Western Gateway: A History of Fremantle, Fremantle City Council, with UWAP, rev. ed.: 15-16.

Graham, Allen 2005, 'Early duels of Fremantle', Fremantle Studies, 4: 95-106.

See also: duels.


This page incorporates material from Garry Gillard's Freotopia website, that he started in 2014 and the contents of which he donated to Wikimedia Australia in 2024. The content was originally created on 7 December, 2022 and hosted at (it was last updated on 25 January, 2024). The donated data is also preserved in the Internet Archive's collection.