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Annie Webster

The West Australian, Wednesday 3 April 1940. She was the wife of the second Philip Cranworth Webster, who was born 1867.

The Late Mrs. P. C. Webster. A very old and highly respected resident of Fremantle, Mrs. Annie Ellen Webster, wife of Mr. Philip Cranworth Webster, of 195 Highstreet, Fremantle, died on Monday last and the funeral took place yesterday afternoon. A service was held in St. John's Church, Adelaide-street, Fremantle, at which the Rev. Canon E. M. Collick officiated. There were also present in the chancel the Rev. L. R. Jupp, J. W. Clift and R. Quirk.
In the course of an address in the church the canon said that he, and he was sure all those present, felt very keenly the passing of Mrs. Webster. Both she and her husband over a very long period had been ardent workers for the church and had spared no effort in everything connected with it. Mrs. Webster had done yeoman service in the church missionary work and we were indebted to her in a very great measure. On behalf of himself and those present the canon expressed sincere sympathy with Mr. Webster, who would keenly feel the loss of his partner in the evening of his years. At the conclusion of the service the cortege proceeded to the Karrakatta cemetery, where a Church of England service was conducted in the crematorium chapel by Canon Collick. Mrs. Webster was born at Stoke Holycross, Norfolk, England and had resided in Western Australia for the last 45 years. She had always taken a keen and active interest In church work, particularly the Forrest River Mission, from the time of its reorganisation 25 rears ago. During that time, Mrs. Webster had collected a sum approximating £3,000 for missions, and apart from this she had done a vast amount of needlework for the Forrest River Mission itself. Mrs. Webster had also been responsible for the collection of a considerable amount of money for the St. John's Church, Fremantle, for the parochial fund. As the foregoing activities show, Mrs. Webster was most successful in her activities as a collector for missonary and church work, and this can be ascribed to her diplomacy and tact and outstanding sincerity in the cause for which she was working. Mrs. Webster was of bright and genial disposition, was an adept conversationalist and was affectionately regarded by a large circle of friends. She leaves a husband to mourn his loss.
The chief mourners were:—Messrs P. C. Webster (husband) and George Davies and Arthur, Gra and Ian Grosvenor, the pallbearers were:--Messrs. G. F. Payne, C. Dawson and B. P. Whittle (St. John's Vestry), A. T. Wardle. R. Payne. J. W. Abereromby, H. A. Davies and B. Smith. Among those present were:--Messrs. J. N. Pinkerton, A. Fish. C. R. Bessen, R. A. Davidson, G. Mortimer, G. Capel Davies, G. B. Thompson and W. Tickell. Mr. and Mrs. B. Baker, Mesdames J. N. Pinkertoon, A. Fish, A. Chalmers, Watkins, Croudace, Punch, W. K . McArdell, F. Hutchings and Anderson and Misses A. and N. Cowley. There were no flowers, by request, but wide spread expressions of sympathy have been extended to the bereaved relatives. The funeral arrangements were carried out by Arthur E. Davies and Company. The Late Mr. Octavis Burt. On April 1 there Passed peacefully away, at his late residence, one of the oldest and highly respected citizens of this State in the person of the late Mr. Octavius Burt. Born inSt. it?s? West Indies, cdeceased had spent the beat Dart of 79 years in this State, His endeavours to improve the Christian and social welfare of the community were many. but they were anonymous, Much hat been written about the deceased and little more can be added, except to say 'Vale Octavius." His remains were removed from his late residence to the chapel of Messrs. C. H. Smith and Company. 281 Newcastle-street. Perth. and then were removed to St. George's Cathedral. where an impressive service was conducted by the Rev. W. E. Jones, assisted by Archdeacon Hudiesto Canon W. Patrick (who read the lesson), ann the Dean of Perth. the Very Rev. Dean Moore (who delivered an impre.sive address on the life of the de ceased) and the blessing was Pronounced by the Primate (Dr. H. P. Le Parn). At the graveside there was a large and re presentative attendance. The chief mourners were:-Messrs. A. P. G. Burt and P. W. Leaks (nephews). F. T. Burt (great-nephew), and W. Balaton (son-in-law). The pall bearers were:-Messrs. E. H. de Witt,. B. H. Darbyshire, R. H. Clifton, Alfred Sandover. and P. Savage. and Warden W. L. Owen. Those Present to Day their last respects were:-Sir John Kirwan (President of the Legislative Council). Mr. C.G. Latham (Leader of the Opposition). Mr. Vernon Hammersley. M.L.C.. Dr. A. G. S. Wallace. Messrs. Jas. O. Fisher (secretary, Diocese of Perth), J. L. Gord (Church Extension So ciety), B. W. Henderson (National Bank). . R. C. Adkins (Pastoralists' Association of Western Australia), Edmund C. Clifton. J. F. Roe. J. L. S. Price, D. Hamilton, F. L. Spen cer, Mervyn Forrest R. C. Pairairn, B. 0. Barker,. A . B.Maasoon. Owen Parry. Arthur Parry, A. S. Price, J. P. McMilian. A. C. Gull. H. D. Moseley. Hubert Parker, Tom Carter, Frank Lefroy. E. Stephen Hart. C. M. Jaffa. Eric Sandover E. L. Webster, O. Drake Brockman, S. W. eake G. MucLeod. . P. Stevens, Herbert Parry, Norman Temperley. Frank O'Meehn. G. .L Bostock. James Thompson. L. I. Leake. J. L. Bronkley. Geo. T. Wood J. Rose, H. B. Stone. H. . Huhes, W. 8. Clare-White. L.-C. Manning, and D. 0. Foulkes-Taylor. Floral tributes were received from Ethel and her family, M. Ethel Burt Reg. Burt, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Burt, and Bob, Hilda and Joan. Monty and May Balston. Irwin and Olive. George and Lilie. Frank and Audrey, Mina, Pussie, Frank and Fannle Leakse. Cuth bert and Julla. Kathleen. Mariory Jones, Daecle, HlUds Merryweather, Madelene Owynne. Kate Clifton, It. C. and F. A. airbairn. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. de Wltl, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lee Steere. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. McMillan. Mrs. A. T. Skeet, Mr. and Mrs, E. B. Hart, Mrs. Ernest Poster, Mr. and Mrs. William Burgess Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Clifton, Misses Lee Steere. M rs. C. V. Fose and Miss Foss. Mrs. C. I. Oldham, Shella and John Brinkley, Isla. Hubert and the boys, Mrs. Clement and Helen, Mr. Rilchard and Miss Hamilton. Bill Leake and family, the Rev. W. S. Jones Mrs. Jones and Marianne. the Rev. and Mrs. P. U. Henn. from all at Csrbrakine. the president and members of the Old Halelans' Association, the president and members of the Weld Club and the president. executive, and members of the 'asioralists' Association of Western Australia. Messages of condolence were re ceived by the bereaved family from all parts of the State.
The funeral arrangements were in the hands of Messrs. C. H. Smith and Co.

References and Links

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This page incorporates material from Garry Gillard's Freotopia website, that he started in 2014 and the contents of which he donated to Wikimedia Australia in 2024. The content was originally created on 1 May, 2020 and hosted at (it was last updated on 21 February, 2024). The donated data is also preserved in the Internet Archive's collection.