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See also Tim Wright's history of the street.

Arundel Street

Heritage Council:
There are two possible reasons for the naming of Arundel Street. Edward George Fitzalan Howard, First Baron Howard of Glossop, 2nd son of the 13th Duke of Norfolk, was MP for Arundel in England from 1853-1868. Howard St is the next street parallel to Arundel St, and both possibly named for him.
The Surveyor Charles Wedge was employed by the Municipality in 1875. His wife was Frances Bethia (Fanny), nee Wrighte, and her father was Arundel Wrighte, a pioneer of Box Hill, Victoria.

ARUNDEL—Edwd. Geo. Fitzalan Howard, first Baron Howard of Glossop (1818-1883), second son of the 13th Duke of Norfolk, was M.P. for Arundel in England from 1853 to 1863, losing his seat in the general election that year. Howard-street adjoins Arundel-street, thus making the connection. Between this street and Howard-street was situated the old water jetty. The Fremantle sea baths which were demolished in the early part of this century were built over the spot. Eastward of the jetty was a well and a pump house. The water was carried by a pipe to the jetty where it was put into casks and shipped on lighters to be transferred to overseas vessels anchored in the roads.
HOWARD—The streets in this locality run as follows from the centre of the town—Norfolk, Suffolk, Arundel, Howard, Russell, Grey, Lord (now Price). Lords Grey, Russel and Howard were all politicians during the administration of 1846-1852, Lord John Russell being Prime Minister. Edwd. Geo. Fitzalan Howard (1818-1883), on the death of his grandfather in 1842, became known as Lord Edward Howard. When Russell came into power in July, 1846, he was Vice-Chamberlain to the Queen and a P.C. till March, 1852. He was a Liberal and Roman Catholic, and an ardent worker for the Catholic Education Fund, for which he obtained £10,000 from his son-in-law the Marquis of Bute and £10,000 from the Duke of Norfolk, his nephew, giving at the same time £5,000 himself. His father Henry Charles (1791-1856), the 13th Duke of Norfolk, was also Master of the Horse during Russell’s term of office. It might be thought strange that if the streets were to perpetuate the names of particular Lords, the distinguishing name “Lord” did not come first in order of streets from High-street, as centre of the town. It must, however, be pointed out that these streets were not surveyed until the ’fifties, while the adjoining streets Norfolk and Suffolk had been in existence since 1833. It would therefore seem as if the early town planners had in mind the appropriateness of Arundel and Howard following on Norfolk and Suffolk, as the dukedoms of both these places have been held by the Howard family, whereas Arundel is one of their country seats.

References and Links

Caldwell, Miss K[ate], 1931, 'Fremantle street names', Early Days, vol. 1, part 9: 45-57.

Wright, Tim 2020, 'Just another litstle street in Freo: Arundel Street from 1844 to 2020', 23 August.

See also: Arundel Court nurses quarters.

Arundel's Boutique Accommodation is at 32 Arundel Street.


This page incorporates material from Garry Gillard's Freotopia website, that he started in 2014 and the contents of which he donated to Wikimedia Australia in 2024. The content was originally created on 13 November, 2015 and hosted at (it was last updated on 17 April, 2024). The donated data is also preserved in the Internet Archive's collection.