


Freotopia > Perth streets.
See also: Fremantle streets, places, parks, [1]walk.

Perth Streets

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Streets/roads with pages: Aberdeen  AdelaideTce  Barrack  Burt  Charles  Goderich  Marmion  Mill  Milligan  Murray  Outram  Palmerston  Pier  Spring  VictoriaSq  WeldSq  William


Aberdeen Street, Northbridge, is named for Lord Aberdeen, Foreign Secretary 1828-1830 and 1841-1846, Prime Minister 1852-1855. He was created Viscount Gordon of Aberdeen 1 June 1814.

Adelaide Terrace was named for William IV's queen. As was the capital of South Australia.

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Barrack Street, Perth: the first military barrack was here. 'Barrack-street owed its name to the fact that barracks for the soldiers who came out to protect the colonists were built on the block bounded by St. George’s-terrace, Hay-street, Pier-street and Barrack-street. There could be no doubt on that point, because a sepia drawing made in 1829 showed the military tents on the block.' (Battye)

Beaufort Street was called after the Duke of Beaufort, who was one of the Secretaries of State for the Colonies during the early 1830s.

Brisbane Street Perth may have been named for Thomas Brisbane, Governor of NSW 1821-25. Tbc. The capital of Queesnland was definitely named for him.

Broome Street. Sir Frederick Napier Broome (1842-1896) was Governor 1883-91. The NW town is named after him, and probably also the Cottesloe streets, Napier and Broome, which intersect.

Bullen Lane, Cottesloe, would be named for Robert Napoleon Bullen, the owner of the Albion Hotel from 1992. Napoleon Street, Cottesloe, is also named for him.

Bulwer Street is named for Edward Bulwer-Lytton who wrote 'It was a dark and stormy night ...'. He was Secretary of State for the Colonies 1858-59.

Burt Street. Sir Archibald Paull Burt (1810-79) was first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of WA 1861-79, until his death. The eastern end of Burt Street, Fremantle, from East Street, was previously called Finnerty Street.

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Canning Highway - previously Canning Road - was named for the river which it crosses, the Canning River, which in 1827 was named by James Stirling for George Canning, the British Foreign Secretary 1822-27 and PM 1827. Amalgamation of Canning Road, Perth-Fremantle Road, Lower Canning Road, and Fremantle Road, in 1937.

Carrington Street. Charles Robert Wynn-Carrington (1843-1928) Earl Carrington, Governor of NSW 1885-90.

Charles Street, Perth, was named for Captain Charles Fitzgerald R.N., who was the Governor of Western Australia from 1848 to 1855.

Cleaver was one of the names of William Cleaver Francis Robinson, who was governor three times in the period 1875-1895, so it's possible that Cleaver Street was named in his honour. Tbc. Maybe Francis Street also?

Colin Street was named after Sir Colin Campbell a general involved in the Indian Mutiny.

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Goderich Street Perth was named after Frederick John Robinson, who was created Viscount Goderich in 1827. After crossing Barrack Street to the east, Murray Street became Goderich Street, but the portion between Barrack Street and Victoria Square is now called Murray St. Goderich Street starts on the other side of Victoria Square, continuing to Plain St.

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Harvest Terrace was named after Colonel E. D. Harvest, who was commandant in Western Australia from 1872-78. F.C. Irwin and Harvest appear to be the only two commandants honoured by having streets named after them. The latter also Harvest Road in North Fremantle to be remembered by.

Hay Street Perth is named after Robert William Hay, Permanent Under Secretary for War and the Colonies 1825-36. East of Barrack Street, Hay Street used to be Howick Street after Viscount Howick, who subsequently became Earl Grey. He was Prime Minister of England from 1831-34. The Reform Bill of 1832 was passed during his administration. Hay Street after Bennett Street used to be called Twiss Street after Horace Twiss, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State of the Colonies.

Havelock Street was named after Sir Henry Havelock, a general concerned in the Indian Mutiny.

Howard Street. Lord Edward Howard, 1st Baron Howard of Glossop (1818 – 1883). Howard was a British Liberal politician. Lords Grey, Howard, and Russell were politicians during the administration of UK Prime Minister Lord John Russell, 1846-52.

Howick Street Perth was the former name of Hay Street East of Barrack Street and was named after Viscount Howick, who subsequently became Earl Grey. He was Prime Minister of England from 1831-34. The Reform Bill of 1832 was passed during his administration.

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Irwin Street. Lieutenant Colonel Frederick Chidley Irwin (1788-1860) was the first commandant of military forces in the colony, who arrived in 1829 in the Swan River colony on the Sulphur, six days after the landing of the Parmelia. He brought a detachment of the 63rd Regiment, which was charged with providing military protection for the colony while it began its establishment. He acted as Governor during Stirling's absence.

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James Street. Admiral Sir James Stirling (1791-1865) was the first Governor of Western Australia. Stirling Street is also named in his honour.

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King Street. King William IV.

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Leighton Beach. The (John) Leighton family were pioneers of North Fremantle.

Limbo Street Perth was renamed Museum Street.

Lincoln Street Highgate is named after President Abraham Lincoln.

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Mackie-street, north of Wellington-street, was named after William Henry Mackie, the first Civil Court Commissioner. who held the position for something like forty years. He occupied the positions of sole Judge, Commissioner of the Civil Court, Criminal Court and chairman of Court Sessions. 

Mill Street, Perth, was so named because Kingsford's Mill was in it.

Millenden Street. Millenden Farm was the home of George Fletcher Moore. There is a suburb called Millendon [sic] on the Great Northern Highway in Middle Swan, Perth.

Milligan Street Perth was named after surgeon William Milligan.

'Moore-street ... was called after George Fletcher Moore, Advocate-General for Western Australia from 1830 to 1846. Moore was a young Irish solicitor who had come to the Colony in its infancy when legal men were not so numerous as they were to-day. His services had been availed of by the Government, and when the courts of law were established in 1832 Moore received the title of Advocate-General, although he had been acting in that capacity before the title was conferred. Moore was one of the colonists most active in the operations of the Government and one of the men who had left a very definite imprint upon the early history of the Colony.' (Battye)

Mounts Bay Road. Topographical name, the mount being Mt Eliza.

Murray Street is named after George Murray. After crossing Barrack Street, Murray Street became Goderich Street after Frederick John Robinson, who was created Viscount Goderich in 1827. The portion between Barrack Street and Victoria Square is now called Murray St. Goderich Street starts on the other side of Victoria Square, continuing to Plain Street.

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Napoleon Street, Cottesloe, is named for Robert Napoleon Bullen, the owner of the Albion Hotel from 1892.

Newcastle Street may have been named for Henry Pelham-Clinton who was Duke of Newcastle from 1851 and Secretary of State for War and the Colonies 1852-1852. Tbc.

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Outram Street is named after soldier and tiger-shooter Sir James Outram. He was a general concerned in the Indian Mutiny.

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Lord Palmerston of Palmerston Street was twice Prime Minister of England under Queen Victoria.

'There was some doubt about the origin of Pier-street. In the early days of the Colony there was a little jetty opposite to the street at which boats from Fremantle unloaded goods. Subsequently the jetty was removed to the foot of William-street, but it was probable that it was responsible for the name. Curiously enough, while one side of the street was marked on the survey plan of 1838, the other side was left blank.' (Battye)

Preston Point (Nierganup) and the Road leading to it. After the second lieutenant on HMS Success, and first of HMS Sulphur, William Preston. A southwest river is also named for the man who was to become Stirling's brother-in-law.

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Queen Street, Queen's Square and Adelaide Street were all named to honour William IV's consort (1830-1837), Adelaide of Saxe-Meiningen.

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Robinson Street. Sir William Frederick Cleaver Robinson was Governor 1875-77, 1880-83, and 1890-95. Robinson Avenue and Cleaver Street in Perth are also named for him. Robinson Street in Hilton became Minilya Avenue in White Gum Valley.

Roe Street Northbridge. AfterJohn Septimus Roe (-1878), Surveyor-General of WA 1829-1870. There is another one in Rockingham.

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St George's Terrace is named for the patron saint of England. St George's Church/Cathedral was/is in the street, so presumably one was named after the other, probably the street after the church.

Sherwood Court may be named for Frederick Sherwood, as he is thought to have established the (first) Swan Brewery on the river at that location.

Sandalford, in the Upper Swan, was named by John Septimus Roe (-1878), Surveyor-General of WA 1829-1870.

Spring Street, Perth was the site of a spring, and then of breweries, probably the Stanley, and certainly the Emu.

Stirling Highway. After Admiral James Stirling (1791-1865). Stirling Highway was originally constructed in 1850 by convict chain gangs. At the time, the Perth to Fremantle road, which became Stirling Highway, was made up of felled jarrah trees cut and laid flat with limestone and gravel on top. In the 1880s, mail would be taken from Perth to a point half-way to Fremantle, where the rider would meet his Fremantle counterpart and exchange mailbags. The half-way point today is opposite Langsford Street, Claremont, where there is a red mailbox there to mark the spot outside the Congregational Hall. Previously named Perth-Fremantle Road, Claremont Avenue, Mason Street, and Waldeck Street. The change was in 1931 and applied to the road from Winthrop Avenue (formerly Ferdinand Avenue) to Boundary Road, Mosman Park. Portion from Boundary Road to North Fremantle Bridge, previously Victoria Avenue, as Stirling Highway in 1936. Fremantle Library.

Stirling Street. Admiral James Stirling was the first Governor of Western Australia. His wife Ellen also has a street named for her. Stirling Street Perth was similarly named. There is a suburb of Perth named for Stirling, and the naval base on Garden Island, plus two plants. Stirling Street Fremantle now runs from Hampton Rd to Ellen Street, but another section of road called was earlier planned to align with it on the other side of Fremantle Park, where it would almost join up with James Street. Stirling Highway, named in 1930 and running from Hampden [sic] Rd in Nedlands, used to end in North Fremantle, but now extends across the relatively new Stirling Bridge, running roughly along what used to be the alignments of Silas and Wood Streets (tho they still remain) and terminating at High Street.

Swanbourne is named for the Fremantle family estate.

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Tasker Place, Mosman Park. Roland 'Rolly' Leslie Tasker (1926-2012) was one of the greatest competitive yachtsmen in Australia. He operated a sail making business from the site for forty years.

Thomas Street was called after J. H. Thomas, who was probably the first Director of Works.

Tuckfield Street. Named for Sir Roger Tuckfield Goldsworthy (1839-1900) who was Colonial Secretary under Governor Broome 1877-1880. Goldsworthy Rd in Claremont is also named after him. In 1892, the western portion of what is now Tuckfield Street, between James and Skinner Streets, was called Smith Street.

Twiss Street Perth was named after Horace Twiss, Parliamentary Under Secretary for War and the Colonies from May 1828. It is now Hay Street east of Bennett Street. There is a Twiss Way in the suburb called Ellenbrook.

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Weld Square and the Weld Club in Barrack Street Perth are named for 1869-75 Governor Weld.

Wellington Street is named after the general, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington. Wellington Terrace is the former name of the southern portion of what is now Marine Terrace Fremantle. Presumably named for the Duke. See also Douro Road.

William-street was first known as King William-street in honour of William IV. Subsequently another street was surveyed to go through from St. George’s-terrace to Wellington-street. The name was then split into two parts, one street being called King-street and the other William-street. North of William-street was not surveyed at that time. Later on it was surveyed and called Hutt-street after the second Governor of Western Australia (1839-46). This man was not particularly popular during his period of Governorship, but the colonists recognised that he had done many things to the advantage of the Colony. Hutt-street disappeared in 1897, the whole thoroughfare taking the name of William-street. (Battye)

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Zeta Crescent, O'Connor. The Zeta was a ship.

References, Links, Notes

The origin of many places is obvious in the name, such as Mount Street. Some are named after well-known people: Queen Victoria, Queen Adelaide (William IV's consort). Several of the older street and place names are those of members of the crew of Capt Fremantle's ship, HMS Challenger, and of Capt Stirling's ship HM frigate Success.

Battye, J.S. 1928, 'Perth street nomenclature', Early Days: Journal of Royal WA Historical Society, 1, 2: 49-55. '“The rapid expansion of Western Australia has brought into being names of city streets the origins of which it is difficult to trace,” concluded Dr. Battye. “Even if it were possible to trace them it is probable that not one of them would be worth the trouble and research that would be involved.”' However, Kate Caldwell took the trouble, at least for Fremantle, three years later.

Bolton, Geoffrey & Jenny Gregory 1999, Claremont: A History, UWAP.

Caldwell, Kate 1931, 'Fremantle street names', Early Days: Journal of Royal WA Historical Society, 1, 9: 45-57.

Seddon, George 1970, Swan River Landscapes, UWAP.

Statham-Drew, Pamela 2003, James Stirling: Admiral and Founding Governor of Western Australia, UWAP.

Williams, A.E. 1984, Nedlands: From Campsite to City, City of Nedlands.

Landgate's page for Perth and surrounds suburb names.

'Nomenclature of Streets'The West Australian, 17 March 1909, p. 9.

Streets of Perth. Origin of Their Names. Western Mail, 10 November 1927: 2.


This page incorporates material from Garry Gillard's Freotopia website, that he started in 2014 and the contents of which he donated to Wikimedia Australia in 2024. The content was originally created on 26 July, 2020 and hosted at (it was last updated on 19 November, 2023). The donated data is also preserved in the Internet Archive's collection.