


Freotopia > streets > 1927 doc

Streets of Perth. Origin of Their Names.

Western Mail 10 November 1927: 2.

Street nomenclature of the City of Perth was discussed at some length by Dr. J. S. Battye in an interesting lecture to the Historical Society recently, Sir James Mitchell presided.

Dr. Battye said that the first survey of Perth was made in August-September 1829. It was a very rough survey which was not intended to be accurate in any respect. A more detailed survey was subsequently made and a plan of Perth, with street names specified, was prepared by Alfred Hillman in 1838, under the direction of the Surveyor-General. That plan was revised in 1841 and again in 1845. The first plan of Perth showed some rather peculiar phases. For instance it disclosed that it was never intended that Barrack and Hay-streets should be the centre of the city. As originally laid out the centre of the city was at the intersection of Goderich-street and Lord-street, where St. Mary's Roman Catholic Cathedral now stood. The main portions of the city were at the intersections of St. George's-terrace and William-street, Murray and William-streets and James and Stirling-streets.

Discussing the origin of the names of some of the city streets, Dr. Battye said that St. George's-terrace had been named after the patron saint of England. It was said that the name was chosen because it happened to be that of the ruling sovereign. Adelaide-terrace was not named until 1830 some time after William IV came to the throne. It was named after Queen Adelaide. Hay-street up to Barrack-street owed its name to Robert William Hay, who was Permanent Under Secretary for War and the Colonies at the time that the colony was founded. East of Barrack-street it was called Howick-street after Viscount Howick, who subsequently became Earl Grey. The latter was Prime Minister of England from 1831-34. The Reform Bill of 1832 was passed during his administration. Murray-street eastward as far as Barrack-street, owed its name to Sir George Murray, Secretary of State for War and Colonies, at the time of the foundation of the Colony. It was to his decision that the foundation of the colony was actually due. After crossing Barrack-street, Murray-street became Goderich-street after Frederick John Robinson, who was created Viscount Goderich in 1827. Hay-street took a twist at Bennett-street and was named Twiss-street after Horace Twiss, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State of the Colonies. It was quite obvious that Wellington-street was named after the famous general and Waterloo-street served as a reminder of the great battle he fought. Roe-street was named in honour of the first surveyor-general of Western Australia, John Septimus Roe. James-street had to be taken in conjunction with Stirling-street which was called after the first Governor.

Among other streets which Dr. Battye said were named after English and Colonial public men were Aberdeen, Newcastle, Brisbane, Bulwer (Bulwer-Lytton), Moore, Short, Hill, Irwin, Hutt and Milligan streets and Harvest-terrace. Mill-street was probably so-called because the old Shenton mill was just across the water. [probably not: see Mill Street] Mount Eliza was named after Eliza, wife of Governor Darling, of New South Wales. Western Mail 10 November 1927: 2.

References and Links

The Battye paper, as published in Early Days, is here.


This page incorporates material from Garry Gillard's Freotopia website, that he started in 2014 and the contents of which he donated to Wikimedia Australia in 2024. The content was originally created on 26 May, 2019 and hosted at (it was last updated on 19 November, 2023). The donated data is also preserved in the Internet Archive's collection.